
M.B.A. (Full-time) Admission for 2024-26 through MAT/CMAT/CAT/GMAT/TANCET Read More!

Foreign Placements 20 Lakhs/Annum and above. Salary starts with Rs.11 Lakhs PA.

Dr.P.K.Anjani, Professor & Head, at Sona School of Management, Salem has an academic experience of 23 years. She has specialized in HR and Marketing in her Post Graduate. She has pursued her Doctoral Degree from Anna University in the year 2012 in the area of Organizational Change. She has conducted training programs on Change Management and Team Building. She is also a certified “CHAMP” professional. She has published research papers in national and international journals. She is also an approved research supervisor in the area of Management from Anna University. She is also a reviewer for Baltic Journal of Management and Global Management Review. She is the Dean Admissions for MBA.


  1. HR Analytics - A new paradigm shift in people management- Journal of Management- 2018-19
  2. Impact of Employee Commitment on Intentions to Participate in Change of Banking Sector in Salem District- Asian Journal of research in social sciences and humanities- 2016-17